Source code for

from stream_framework.utils.functional import lazy
from import BaseRedisHashCache
from import BaseRedisListCache
from stream_framework.utils import chunks
import six
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RedisSortedSetCache(BaseRedisListCache, BaseRedisHashCache): sort_asc = False
[docs] def count(self): ''' Returns the number of elements in the sorted set ''' key = self.get_key() redis_result = self.redis.zcard(key) # lazily convert this to an int, this keeps it compatible with # distributed connections redis_count = lambda: int(redis_result) lazy_factory = lazy(redis_count, *six.integer_types) lazy_object = lazy_factory() return lazy_object
[docs] def index_of(self, value): ''' Returns the index of the given value ''' if self.sort_asc: redis_rank_fn = self.redis.zrank else: redis_rank_fn = self.redis.zrevrank key = self.get_key() result = redis_rank_fn(key, value) if result: result = int(result) elif result is None: raise ValueError( 'Couldnt find item with value %s in key %s' % (value, key)) return result
[docs] def add(self, score, key): score_value_pairs = [(score, key)] results = self.add_many(score_value_pairs) result = results[0] return result
[docs] def add_many(self, score_value_pairs): ''' StrictRedis so it expects score1, name1 ''' key = self.get_key() scores = list(zip(*score_value_pairs))[0] msg_format = 'Please send floats as the first part of the pairs got %s' numeric_types = (float,) + six.integer_types if not all([isinstance(score, numeric_types) for score in scores]): raise ValueError(msg_format % score_value_pairs) results = [] def _add_many(redis, score_value_pairs): score_value_list = sum(map(list, score_value_pairs), []) score_value_chunks = chunks(score_value_list, 200) for score_value_chunk in score_value_chunks: result = redis.zadd(key, *score_value_chunk) logger.debug('adding to %s with score_value_chunk %s', key, score_value_chunk) results.append(result) return results # start a new map redis or go with the given one results = self._pipeline_if_needed(_add_many, score_value_pairs) return results
[docs] def remove_many(self, values): ''' values ''' key = self.get_key() results = [] def _remove_many(redis, values): for value in values: logger.debug('removing value %s from %s', value, key) result = redis.zrem(key, value) results.append(result) return results # start a new map redis or go with the given one results = self._pipeline_if_needed(_remove_many, values) return results
[docs] def remove_by_scores(self, scores): key = self.get_key() results = [] def _remove_many(redis, scores): for score in scores: logger.debug('removing score %s from %s', score, key) result = redis.zremrangebyscore(key, score, score) results.append(result) return results # start a new map redis or go with the given one results = self._pipeline_if_needed(_remove_many, scores) return results
[docs] def contains(self, value): ''' Uses zscore to see if the given activity is present in our sorted set ''' key = self.get_key() result = self.redis.zscore(key, value) activity_found = result is not None return activity_found
[docs] def trim(self, max_length=None): ''' Trim the sorted set to max length zremrangebyscore ''' key = self.get_key() if max_length is None: max_length = self.max_length # map things to the funny redis syntax if self.sort_asc: begin = max_length end = -1 else: begin = 0 end = (max_length * -1) - 1 removed = self.redis.zremrangebyrank(key, begin, end)'cleaning up the sorted set %s to a max of %s items' % (key, max_length)) return removed
[docs] def get_results(self, start=None, stop=None, min_score=None, max_score=None): ''' Retrieve results from redis using zrevrange O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned. ''' if self.sort_asc: redis_range_fn = self.redis.zrangebyscore else: redis_range_fn = self.redis.zrevrangebyscore # -1 means infinity if stop is None: stop = -1 if start is None: start = 0 if stop != -1: limit = stop - start else: limit = -1 key = self.get_key() # some type validations if min_score and not isinstance(min_score, (float, str, six.integer_types)): raise ValueError( 'min_score is not of type float, int, long or str got %s' % min_score) if max_score and not isinstance(max_score, (float, str, six.integer_types)): raise ValueError( 'max_score is not of type float, int, long or str got %s' % max_score) if min_score is None: min_score = '-inf' if max_score is None: max_score = '+inf' # handle the starting score support results = redis_range_fn( key, start=start, num=limit, withscores=True, min=min_score, max=max_score) return results